Healthy Living Blog
I may not be an avid gardener but I have done my fair share of weeding, planting and yardwork and know it can cause great soreness afterwards. So, if you have a green thumb then no doubt, you have been outside a lot these days and may be feeling the effects of bending over or being on your hands...
Here is a perfect example: Vrksasana or Tree Pose.
I remember back in the day when I first starting teaching yoga that I used to stand around in the studio lobby chatting with fellow teachers and students all while standing in tree pose.
Now when I say tree pose, I mean the picture...
I am a huge proponent of props in my yoga practice. It doesn’t matter how long one has been practicing, their current level of flexibility or strength. I feel that props allow you to experience the pose at its fullest.
Here is a perfect example: Ardha Uttanasana or Half Forward...
My nearly 10-year old son is obsessed with golf!
The other day I was watching Daniel at the driving range and noticed how fluidly he moves.
At such a young age he has natural functional flexibility--a combination of mobility or range of motion around a joint site and flexibility...
I cannot think of a truer statement! Looking at this picture you may not guess that when I first began my yoga practice, I had such a difficult time achieving headstand (Sirsasana).
I honestly cannot tell you how much I beat myself up over and over because I could not do this pose. I...
Yes, that is right. I was home from college one summer and decided to try a class at my local club (ironically where I ended up teaching yoga when I moved back to Richmond).
I cannot remember what it was exactly that I did not like but I walked away thinking this is just not for me.
And at the...
Yes, this is me. I know…Where are the yoga pants? The tennis skirt?
I came across this picture recently. It was taken in China like a million years ago while I was working for an NGO in Washington DC.
I look back at my former career with fond memories…a great...