When Motivation Runs Out..

mindset Jan 18, 2022

Today is January 18th. 

I heard somewhere that most New Year’s resolutions are done by the 15th. The passion is gone.

So, it makes sense that many people’s motivation is running out…just about now.

Why is that?

Let’s take healthy eating for example…When you begin to change your eating habits and are planning healthy meals, you feel amazing!  This is where motivation is at its peak level.  The week starts off good but by Wednesday it just hits us like a ton of bricks and our brain gives us a million reasons why we shouldn’t follow our plan that day.  “I’ll start tomorrow.” Or “I’m supposed to have balance, so I’ll just eat this pizza.”

Does this occur with you?  If so, when does it happen and what reasons does your brain give you for reacting to the lack of motivation and to quit eating healthy in that moment?

Why does this happen?

We cannot summon motivation whenever we want or with hacks we find on google. Motivation is NOT supposed to last. It is a spike in dopamine in your brain when it anticipates a reward.

Therefore, when motivation leaves what are you left with?

Nothing is wrong with you if you are not motivated. But society has ingrained in our psyches that we should constantly feel motivated. 

Instead, we are just coming back to the human experience of discomfort which no one likes to feel. Our primitive brain has no patience for discomfort. It wants to flee from the uncomfortable situation and that is when the collection of thoughts for why we should quit comes into our head.

If you practice yoga, you may be familiar with the feeling when you are in a certain pose that is not quite your favorite and you are squirming to get out and ready for the next pose.  The feeling that I am describing with motivation is no different.

We need (both on the yoga mat and off) to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.  And yes, we can do this without stalling progress. 

Mundane efforts everyday are how to avoid stalling progress.

I am sorry… this is not a sexy statement.

However, know there is nothing wrong with you if you are not always motivated…motivation will not get you to your goals but your daily work will!

I hope this email gives you the "grace" we talked about last week to not beat yourself up if you are not feeling the motivation that you think you should.

Sending you love and light for a wonderful week of mundane efforts.


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