mindset Aug 04, 2021

Your Comfort Zone Is Where Dreams Go To Die

This video clip was taken several years ago and I can still remember the moment vividly. 

My heart was racing, and my inner voice was saying, “You can’t do this. You are going to hurt yourself, leave good enough alone.”

But another voice kept telling me to try it, try it, you will never be satisfied until you do.

When you start to go to the edge of your comfort zone fear starts to paralyze you.  It is a physical manifestation in your body. 

Believe me, I was paralyzed several times before I dropped into wheel pose from a headstand.

I imagine that you hear this inner voice too? What does this voice say to you?

“I’m not worthy.”

“I’m not good enough.”

“I’m not pretty/smart/tough enough.”

“It’s not a big deal if I skip another workout, I just don’t have the time.” 

“I’ll just scroll through IG for 5 more minutes.” 

Has this voice inside you held you back from doing something that you are scared to try but would be really cool if you did it?

So there is only one thing to do…

Crush that inner voice and take action. 

Whatever it is you want to do may be hard to accomplish now but if it’s hard now then it will be easier down the road. 

For instance, if you take care of your health each day, you may not see the results in 2 weeks, or even 2 months but in 6 months you may start to see a difference.  Conversely, if you neglect your eating habits, your workout routine, sleep, etc… it is easy and comfortable now but what is the picture like in a couple of years? 

If you can be a witness to the voice and then do the opposite of what that voice is telling you to do you will have the life that you want.

I’m not saying that the voices will go away because quite frankly I don’t believe they will but you can turn down the volume of the voice.  

People who have what they want in life have learned to tune out that voice.

I would love to hear of times when you have done the opposite of that little inner bitch voice. 

Please share!



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