mindset Apr 05, 2021

The other day I was walking along a familiar path leading to the University of Richmond. I discovered this path about a year ago at the beginning of COVID.  I remember those first few walks that I took down that path leading to the University and the beautiful, hilly neighborhoods that surround the area.

At the time I had no idea where I was going in life. My gym/work and life as I knew it had shut down. However, I had this sense that everything was going to be okay.  I felt the Universe pushing me towards owning my own business. I had spent soooo much time trying to resist this idea.  Whenever friends or family suggested that I start my own business (and you know who you are!) I thought they were out of their minds. And as my sister said it aptly, “It only took a pandemic!” Yes, it only took a pandemic to light a fire under my ass and accept what I am meant to pursue.

Even though in those early days I was super scared, I was also super excited. This may seem hippy dippy but I think the Universe felt my excitement and started to allow abundance come my way.  Yes, hard work was necessary but good, no great things started to take shape.

As I return to that same path near the University nearly a year later, I am reinvigorated even more to help my clients in their own personal development through mindset, nutrition, yoga and strength training. 

As we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with COVID, it may feel like your own personal spring.  What do you want for yourself this spring? How do you want to feel?  What do you want when you look in the mirror? How do you want your relationship with food to look like? Embrace your possibilities!!



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